Whether it’s on personal display in the bedroom or on public display in the locker room, no guy wants his manhood visibly marred by a penis rash. It can be a turn off (and a sexual deal breaker) for a potential partner and can cause snickers or discomfort from other men at the gym – and can also be a sign of a more concerning penis health matter. Determining the cause of a penis rash is important; one of those causes could potentially be a condition known as pemphigus.
What is pemphigus?
Fortunately one of the rarer skin conditions, pemphigus actually refers to a whole group of skin disorders. There are two major pemphigus disorders, pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus. The former is basically associated with the mouth, but the latter is more frequently found on the surface of the skin – and that can include the penis skin.
Pemphigus presents as blisters on the skin (and sometimes on the mucous membranes). These blisters are very tender and sensitive, the kind that can rupture easily. When they do, an open sore is left behind, which is even more tender. The open sore usually oozes fluid and if not tended to, it can become infected.
Pemphigus blisters eventually become crusty. Unless infected, they don’t tend to cause a lot of pain, but they do make a person want to itch like crazy.
Although skin-based pemphigus is most often found on the shoulders, back and chest, it can also appear anywhere else on the body.
What causes it
Pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder. Usually, when the body contracts a virus or another foreign agent, it creates antibodies, which are then dispatched to deal with the invader. Those antibodies are tasked with locating the source of trouble and getting rid of it.
But when a person has an autoimmune disorder, the body (for some unknown reason) is misinterpreting data. It is seeing some of a person’s own cells as a threat and is dispatching antibodies to attack perfectly healthy cells. That’s what happens with pemphigus. It’s not something a person catches from another person; it’s something that a person’s own body erroneously brings about.
As mentioned, pemphigus by itself is mostly just an annoying itchy situation. But if the sores become infected, it can be dangerous. Treating the infection is often the first order of business.
The pemphigus itself may be treated via a number of options, including corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, antibiotics or intravenous immunoglobulin.
When pemphigus presents as a penis rash, it may be difficult to recognize. Many men assume it’s a heat rash or perhaps a fungal infection like jock itch. They may also worry that it could be a sign of an STI.
Any time a guy has a penis rash and he is unsure of what might be the cause, he should consult with a doctor to determine what steps he should take for proper treatment.
Pemphigus is one of the less common causes of penis rash, and doctoral care may be needed to treat the disease. However, the itchiness may respond to use of a superior penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). While the crème should not be used on open sores, applying a crème with a potent combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) can help soothe the skin and ease the urge to scratch. The penis skin needs to rebuild its resilience, so it’s best if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that is very helpful in battling oxidative stress and preventing premature aging and thinning of penile skin.