Sports tend to be a big part of most men’s lives – and not just in terms of sitting on the sofa watching the big game with a beer in the hand. Men of all ages enjoy being active, whether it’s through running, biking, playing football or engaging in a tennis match. Staying active keeps a man physically fit, but it sometimes can result in unintended penis pain and therefore have an impact on penis health as well. Guys who are physically active need to remember to take steps to prevent penis pain and know how to treat it when it does occur.
Many causes of penis pain
There can be numerous causes of penis pain related to sports activity. Usually, the pain comes either from a direct blow to the penis or from the muscles around the genitals becoming sore due to strain. In some cases, a man develops numbness in the groin, often a result of biking in such a way that too much pressure is placed on the penile area, thus affecting the nerves.
There are several things an athlete can do to lessen the chances of penis pain from sports activity. These include:
– Donning the jock. Many amateur athletes engage in rough play without properly covering their penile area. Wearing an athletic supporter – with or without a plastic cup – can help decrease the chances a blow to the penis will result in significant pain or injury. Jocks are dismissed by many men, often because they are not as comfortable as boxers or briefs, but the protection they can provide is worth the temporary discomfort.
– Getting warm first. Professional athletes know that warming up before engaging in play is important to help reduce the risk of injuries. This includes injuries to the groin. Making sure that a man’s warm-up exercises include loosening up the muscles in the groin and surrounding areas can help keep a pulled groin injury at bay.
– Strengthening. Many “pulled groin” issues come about because the leg muscles in the thighs are not as strong as they need to be. Engaging in exercises to strengthen these muscles (such as squeezing a ball between the leg, or lunges) can be helpful.
– Getting a better seat. As mentioned, many cyclists can experience numbness in the penis, especially those who ride for long stretches at a time. If possible, it’s best to break up those long rides into shorter sets, but endurance athletes may be hesitant to go this route. There can be some relief, however, from making sure the bicycle seat is properly padded and that it is shaped in such a way as to properly fit his body.
A doctor may be needed to treat some sports-related penis pain issues. Typical treatment often involves applying a cold compress to the affected area (sometimes alternating with heat), taking aspirin, and allowing the penis to rest a bit. It may be necessary to wear supportive underwear (such as briefs) to minimize pain.
Penis pain from sports activities can vary in severity, but in general, the healthier the organ is, the less likely the pain will be severe. Regular use of a top flight penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an excellent way to maintain penis health. Look for a crème that includes a healthy range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E; topical application of the vitamins in a crème form allows them to directly target the penis itself. It’s also beneficial if the crème contains L-arginine, an amino acid that plays a key role in the process by which penile blood vessels are kept healthy and flowing.